When Dad Goes Shopping

Yesterday, I felt like I was run over by a garbage truck.
I got this wonderful illness from my husband, who has spent the last week with laryngitis and tonsilitis, drinking up my lemon tea and using every Dayquil and Ricola in the house.

So he made a WalMart run after bedtime.

shopping bag Text: when dad goes shopping

If you didn’t already know, the shopping completed by the full-time parent looks much different than the shopping done by the wage-earning parent.

I asked him to pick up:
Lemon tea

He came back with:
Dayquil and Nyquil packaged together (I can’t take Nyquil)
A box of lemon tea, but also another box of some other “medicinal” tea I’ve never bought before
Two bags of Ricola, one of which he opened and stole half of
Two ramen packets for me, but also two “Siracha Chicken” which are definitely for him
Three GIANT bottles of Drain-o?
A GIANT box of garbage bags
A bunch of bananas (despite the bunch of bananas already on the counter)
A GIANT bag of chocolate chips

… what?

The point here is, my husband is crazy and has no idea how to go to WalMart for four simple things.


(Well, he might be crazy.  But I like that about him!)

The point here really is, my wage-earning other half really stepped in for me.  After feeding the kids and giving them baths and tucking them in, he decided to make a WalMart run.  He asked me zero follow-up questions about the shopping because I was barely able to speak.  He went and fetched me things to try and make me feel better, even though he should have been sleeping so he could get up early for work today.  He got some extra things that I bet he thought we needed, probably trying to save me a trip later in the week.

And chocolate chips.

This morning, he was up  at 4:45 as usual, made himself some weird medicinal tea, unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, and went to work.

Even if things aren’t done “your way,” what has your work-outside-the-home partner done lately that was thoughtful and self-sacrificing?