
Today is the kind of day when putting together a lasagna took 25 minutes and most of my brain cells.
I literally cannot remember how many times the baby woke up last night, only that he ended up in my bed at 4:30 with me curled all around him so my husband wouldn’t roll over too far.
I almost started this post with “Today is the kind of Monday…” It’s Tuesday.
The toddler moved like a sloth this morning when I tried to take everyone to library storytime in 15° F weather.  Even though it’s his favorite thing all week.  The baby got cold, which made him wake up, and didn’t take a morning nap.
That’s the truth of being a mom to multiple littles.  It isn’t easy.  It isn’t always fun.  Sometimes it is frustrating and emotionally taxing and you feel like you’re quite bad at it.
I’m going to go tickle my toddler (who is up too early from his nap, mind you) and swallow my cold coffee and find the joy in being home with my kids.  There is always some to be found.  Usually in a giggle or a shared spitty cracker or a silly face or a new word.
Wishing you a joyful today, even if it’s a hard one.

Gifts and Souvenirs for Minimalist Moms

… or people about whom you say, “They’re hard to buy for!”
One word.  UPGRADE.
This has been my shopping philosophy for myself, anyway, since going all KonMari on my household.  Consider replacing something the recipient already has, but getting them a fancier/better quality item. This can be a little tricky if you don’t know them well (it could come off as judgy) so be careful that what you’re replacing is not an heirloom or favorite old battered item.
Examples?  Better oven mitts.  The kind that fit on either hand.
Fancy hand soap or hand cream
A high-quality spill-proof Thermos-like coffee cup
Longer charging cord for laptop, cell phone, etc.
A really lovely pan, or dutch oven
High quality knives
No, a keychain is not really useful.  It is clutter.  It might look cool, and the recipient might actually put it on his/her keys, but it is clutter non-the-less.
Examples?  Kitchenwares.  I have received and loved potholders from Hawaii, and a rolling pin from Disney World.
Clothing items, IF you know the recipient’s style well enough.  (Chances are if they’re a minimalist, they have a carefully cultivated wardrobe.  Perhaps loungewear pieces.)
Food items from that locale (fruit or coconut products from tropical vacations, sourdough from San Francisco, cherry preserves from Wisconsin, apple butter from Vermont…)
Three words: STUFF TO EAT
I love food gifts!  Trying to live simply also generally involves a budget (and you know we love a budget here on MCM!) so I don’t usually splurge on “fancy” food items.  Homemade foods are often wonderful, as well.
Examples I have actually received:
Home-canned pickles
Local honey
Artisan bread
A ham
Good quality wine or spirits
“Fancy” soda


To our readers from Poland!

My family (generations back) was from Poland.  It’s lovely to have you!

Edit: Also Mexico, Canada, and Romania!

  Feel free to leave a comment telling us about yourselves, or how you discovered our blog!

How To: develop a daily schedule

I’ve known that I need a daily schedule since long before I became a stay-at-home mom. When I was teaching full time, I would create a daily schedule during summer break (including silly things like when we would walk the dog and when we would eat lunch.) I don’t function well without some kind of schedule. I don’t think that’s born from teaching, even though that is a very scheduled day.I think its from my need to see things written down and my attention/focus problems.  I need to know where I’m headed in the day to avoid falling into distraction/laziness. 
So I knew I needed a schedule, but I didn’t know how to go about creating one. I watched some of my favorite YouTubers and read some of my favorite blogs – they all had a schedule, and I could see their schedule, and it was kind of helpful to see an example, but nobody really talked about how they came to that schedule.  They would say things like, “This is what works for my family,” but where sis “this” come from?
(For a video about the actual schedule itself, visit my YouTube channel – click here!)

Let me save you the confusion.
First, start with your personal rhythms.   Observe yourself and/or your children for a week or so and see what your natural timetable seems to be.  When does everybody seem to wake up?  Get hungry?  Need a nap? That’s what you’re going to build your schedule around – the most predictable things in your day. (Meaning they need to be.  Children and adults benefit from routine sleep and food!)
Write these down.  Then notice the spaces in between.  Fill those with housework or “me time” or play time or work-from-home time.  Consider how you function best – do you need to power through work in the morning?  Need some alone time in the evening?  Often need to make phone calls during business hours?  Piece things in as works best for you.  If you have small kids, remember to put in some one-on-one time whenever possible.

Consider getting up earlier.  I feel there are two kinds of morning moms – those who are woken up by their children, and those who intentionally wake up beforehand.  Waking up before your kids enables you to get ready for the day (read: actually shower) without having to set your kids in front of the TV.
Consider eating as a family.  I see lots of schedules out here in the blogosphere that have two dinnertimes – an earlier one for kids and then an after-bedtime dinner for the parents.  That takes up twice as much time in your evening, and you don’t get the benefits of bonding over dinner and modeling good eating habits for your kids.
Consider getting each child up separately and putting them to nap/bed separately.  The last five minutes before a child sleeps and the first five when they awake set the tone for their sleep and their day.  Trying to go down for a nap or bedtime amidst chaos, with mom juggling other kids, is not very restful and possible feelings of jealousy or perceived lack of attention could lead to interrupted sleep, refusal to sleep,  etc.  Same goes for waking – who wants to wake up in the middle of a mess?  Help children wake up calm and ready to face the day with an organized mind by taking a few peaceful moments with each one.
(How on earth do you do that?  Well, younger children sleep more, for starters.  Older children can be gotten up, put to nap, or put to bed while younger ones are still/already sleeping.  Stagger bedtime a bit. I advocate whole-family reading time, but toothbrushing can be staggered to allow a few minutes with the finished-brushing child alone, or put on pajamas last and stagger that.)
It is certainly easiest to accomplish these things if both parents can be home in the evenings.  In the case of shift work, or single parents, choose which items are possibke for you in this stage of life.  The absolute key is a predictable structure, whatever that has to look like for you right now.

How To: shop with two kids 2 and under

Step 1: Dress both children in “leaving the house” clothes.  (Pants, mainly.)

Step 2: Buckle both children into carseats.  Pinch your finger and stick it in your mouth quickly to dull the pain and cork up the curse words.  Today might be the day your 2-year-old decides to talk in public.

Step 3: Drive to the store, using skills from AP Geometry to choose a parking spot closest to both the door and a cart corral.  

Step 4: Get both kids out.  Realize this store’s carts are not compatible with your carseat. 

Step 5: Begin praying that the 2-year-old will walk calmly through the store and not break anything.

Step 6: Shop.  Interrupt shopping to feed baby, even though you did that right before you left the house.  Avoid eye contact with the older lady who looks totally weirded out that you’re nursing in the aisle.

Step 7: Finish shopping.  Take cart full of clothes and children to fitting room, intentionally breaking the “no carts in fitting room” rule.

Step 8: Try on clothes.  Interrupt trying on to feed baby again.  Giggle with toddler about how funny nudity is.

Step 9: Check out.  Toddler is upset that naked time is over, and insists on being carried.  Baby is convinced he is still hungry, and starts wailing from the cart.  Hold toddler in one arm, jiggle cart with one foot, and use some remaining appendage to swipe credit card.

Step 10: Buckle kids back into carseats, drive home, get kids into the house (still crying and carrying on).
Bonus Step: Invent witty response to the inevitable question, “How was your day?”

Toddler Tears : sneeze oatmeal

Recently, my two-year-old has become very possessive of his food.  To a fault.

I couldn’t make this up if I tried.  He has been holding bites of food in his mouth for long periods of time, too.  (Ick.)

Today, he was hoarding away some oatmeal in there when he had to sneeze.  He, naturally, sneezed oatmeal all over my dining room floor.  Our dog, naturally, ate the sneeze oatmeal off the floor.

Toddler cried hysterically that the dog had taken his oatmeal.  His nasty, spitty, half-dissolved sneeze-oatmeal.